What is Covid-19?
Covid-19 is a disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus. ‘CO’ stands for Corona, ‘VI’ for Virus, and ‘D’ for disease. Formerly, this disease was referred to as ‘2019 novel coronavirus’ or ‘ 2019-n CoV’. The COVID-19 virus isnnew virus linked to the same family of viruses as severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and some types of common cold.
How can the spread of COVID-19 be slowed down or prevented?
As with other respiratory infections like the flu or the common cold. Public health measures are critical to slow the spread of illness. Public health measures are everyday preventive actions that includes;
* Staying home when sick.
* Covering mouth and nose with Hans elbow or tissue when coughing or sneezing. Dispose of used issue immediately.
* Washing hand often with soap and water and;
* Clearing frequently touched surfaces and objects.
Following basic principles can help students, teachers and staff same at school and help stop the spread of this disease. So in order to be safe our school will be following the below mentioned safety measures;
* Sick students, teachers and staff should not come to school.
* All the students pre enforced for regular hand washing with safe water and soap, hand sanitizers or chlorine solution.
* Daily disinfection and cleaning of school surfaces
* Providing water, sanitation and waste management facilities and following environmental cleaning and decontamination procedures.
Promoting Social Distance
1. Staggering the beginning and end of the school day.
2. Cancelling assemblies sports games and other events that creates crowded conditions.
3. The space of children’s desh to be at least one meter apart.
4. Teach and model creating space and avoiding unnecessary touching.
5. Increased air flow and ventilation where climate allowes.
6. Posting sings encouraging good hand and respiratory hygiene practices.
7. Ensuring trash is renewed daily and dispose safely.
Checklist for parents/caregivers and community members.
1. Monitor your child’s health and keep them home from school if they are Ill.
2. Teach and model good hygiene practices for your children.
3. Encourage your children to ask questions and empress their feelings with you and their teachers. Remember that your child may have different reactions to stress; be patient and understanding.
4. Prevent stigma by using facts and reminding students to the considerate of one another.
5. Coordinate with the school to receive information and ask how you can support school safety efforts.